Off Leash Manners Program

  • Our Off Leash Manners Program is a 14 Day In-Kennel training program that will teach your dog 5 commands to follow and give you the ability to reinforce them. The training is done behind an e-collar and is what we call “Safety Motivated Training”. In no way, shape, or form do we promote punishment, pain or fear based training during our program. Your dog will learn how to earn safety with a new system of thinking and be guided by our trainers to learn how to be a a canine companion with manners.

    During the 14 days, your dog’s training will begin on our farm. We will spend time introducing and shaping new commands with positive reinforcement and then introduce the training collar. We will then venture into public to practice all of these commands under distraction.

    • jumping up on people, guest, furniture, counters

    • counter surfing

    • not coming when called

    • leash pulling

    • excessive barking

    • mouthing/nipping

    • picking up objects they shouldn’t have

    • LET’S GO: walk on 6 ft leash without pulling

    • COME: return to me close enough to grab collar

    • OFF: all four paws on the ground

    • LEAVE IT: disregard what you’re about to pick up

    • QUIET: no barking in car or crate

    • All dogs need to be a minimum of 6 months old to start in this program. There is no age maximum, yes old dogs can learn new tricks!

    • We train ALL breeds

    • Price of the program is $2500

    • Call to schedule an evaluation and to reserve a spot in the program for your future Top Dog (248) 349-2990


Obedience Program - 5 Weeks